Discover Cerkljansko
Networks of public electric chargers for a worry-free journey
Camping and RV stopovers
Camping information
- Overview of campsites with ratings, prices, and services.
- ACSI Camping Europe: A resource for finding affordable campsites with accurate details.
Motorhome information
Help with parking and stops:
- Park4Night: Offers information on parking spots, campsites, and areas for motorhomes. Users share ratings and photos of locations.
- Campercontact: Allows you to search for motorhome stops and campsites, including the Cerkno region.
- Stellplatz-Radar: An app for finding the nearest parking spots for motorhomes in Europe.
Navigation assistance:
Sygic GPS Navigation: Specifically tailored for motorhome users, it allows route customization based on vehicle dimensions.
Regulations and laws
Camping and overnight stays in Slovenia are governed by Articles 10 and 18 of the Public Order and Peace Protection Act (ZJRM-1).