Jazzohod #1: Boštjan Gombač | 27. Jazz Cerkno

JAZZOHOD #1: Boštjan Gombač
voden pohod in koncert
Zbirno mesto pred Gabrijelom

▹ Letošnji festival prinaša novost v spremljevalnem programu, s katero želimo glasbo povezati s pohodništvom ter kulturno in naravno dediščino Cerkljanske. Udeleženci Jazzohoda se bodo – kot ime namiguje – podali na voden pohod, na koncu katerega pa bodo nagrajeni s koncertom. Prvi Jazzohod bo jazzovske pohajkovalce popeljal do cerkve Svetega Jošta v Trebenčah, kjer se bo z akustičnim koncertom predstavil Boštjan Gombač. Naš dobro znani multiinštrumentalist, ki se z lahkoto sprehaja med žanri in slogi igranja ter med številnimi glasbili, ki jih obvlada, bo predstavil solistični album Pihala in še kaj. Ta je del diskografskega niza Spaces / Prostori, ki temelji na snemanju improvizirane glasbe v prostorih z izjemno akustiko (v Gombačevem primeru v mariborski dvorani Union) brez občinstva. Do ciljne točke pohoda je ura hoje. Pot je lahka in označena, priporočamo pohodniško obutev. V primeru dežja bo koncert na nadomestni lokaciji.
Organizacija & produkcija: Zavod Jazz Cerkno
V sodelovanju: LTO Cerkno

Spremljevalni program 27. festivala Jazz Cerkno

JAZZOHOD #1: Boštjan Gombač
guided jazz hike and concert
Meeting point in front of Bar Gabrijel

▹ This year’s festival brings a novelty among the accompanying program. With it we want to combine music with hiking, alongside the cultural and natural heritage of the region of Cerkno. The participants of the Jazzohod will – as the name suggests (“hod” means “walk”) – go on a guided hike, at the end of which a concert will take place. The first Jazzohod will take jazz hikers to the church of St. Judoc (Sv. Jošt) in the village Trebenče, where Boštjan Gombač will perform an acoustic concert. Our well-known multi-instrumentalist, who easily switches among genres and styles, as well as among the countless musical instruments he masters, will present the solo album Woodwinds & More. It is part of the Spaces / Prostori record series, based on the recording of improvised music in spaces with great acoustics (in Gombač’s case in the Union Hall in Maribor) without an audience. There is a one hour walk to the destination of the concert. The trail is easy and marked. We do recommend hiking shoes, though. In case of rainy weather the concert will take place at another equally appropriate location.
Organization & production: Zavod Jazz Cerkno
In collaboration with: LTO Cerkno

Accompanying programme of 27. festival Jazz Cerkno