3:rma // Niko Novak I 29. Keltika

29. Keltika 2024 / koncertni cikel
𝟯:𝗿𝗺𝗮 (SI)
ženski kantavtorski duo z angažiranimi in poetičnimi pesmimi
Maša But (glas)
Urška Supej (ak. kitara, spremljevalni glas)
𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗸 (SI)
temačni folk prvega baritona slovenske alternativne scene
Niko Novak (glas, el. bas)
𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗮, 𝟯𝟬. 𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿, 𝗼𝗯 𝟮𝟬:𝟬𝟬
dvorana Glasbene šole Cerkno
vstopnice: 7 € predprodaja / 10 € na dan koncerta
Zadnji letošnji koncert Keltike bo v znamenju alternativnega kantavtorstva. Slišali bomo mariborski ženski tandem 3:rma ter pevca in električnega basista Nika Novaka. Pevka Maša But in kitaristka Urška Supej sta se spoznali na študiju jazza na celovškem Koroškem deželnem konservatoriju ter leta 2020 začeli skupaj delovati v »temačnem folk duu«, kot se sami poimenujeta. Glasbenici črpata navdih pri ameriških in angleških kantavtorjih, kot so Bob Dylan, Laura Marling ali Leonard Cohen, ter pesnikih, kot so Emily Dickinson, Reiner Maria Rilke in Edna Saint Vincent Millay. Slednji je tudi posvečen letošnji album The Garden of Edna, posnet v Londonu v produkciji Femija Temowa. 3:rma sta bili leta 2020 del Klubskega maratona Radia Študent ter mdr. nastopili na festivalu Waves Vienna. Večer bo zaokrožil Niko Novak, ki se je v 90. letih uveljavil kot pevec energičnih garažnih rockerjev Dicky B. Hardy, kasneje pa je igral v blues duu Incurabili. V tretjem obdobju glasbenega udejstvovanja pa pod lastnim imenom ustvarja temačne, počasne ter v angleščini zapete pesmi, ki se navdihujejo pri Johnnyju Cashu in Leonardu Cohenu. A s to razliko, da se Niko spremlja z električnim basom in svoje skladbe odeva v zračne aranžmaje, ki spomnijo na filmsko glasbo, s katero se tudi ukvarja. Na koncertu bo predstavil sedmi album Haphazard Reruns, ki ga je produciral Jim Jones in bo izšel februarja 2025.
Organizacija in produkcija: Zavod Jazz Cerkno
Projekt podpirajo: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Občina Cerkno, Glasbena šola Idrija, Primorski val
29. Keltika 2024 / concert series
𝟯:𝗿𝗺𝗮 (SI)
female singer-songwriter duo with engaged and poetic songs
Maša But (voice)
Urška Supej (ac. guitar, backing voice)
𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗸 (SI)
dark folk by the first baritone of the Slovenian alternative scene
Niko Novak (voice, el. bass)
𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟬, 𝗮𝘁 𝟮𝟬:𝟬𝟬
Cerkno Music School
Tickets: 7 € presale / 10 € at the concert
At this year’s Keltika’s last concert we will listen to alternative songwriters, the Maribor female tandem 3:rma and singer and electric bassist Niko Novak. Singer Maša But and guitarist Urška Supej met while studying jazz at the Carinthian State Conservatory in Klagenfurt, and in 2020 they started working together in a “dark folk duo”, as they call themselves. The musicians draw inspiration from American and English singer-songwriters such as Bob Dylan, Laura Marling or Leonard Cohen, and poets such as Emily Dickinson, Reiner Maria Rilke and Edna Saint Vincent Millay. This year’s album The Garden of Edna, recorded in London and produced by Femi Temow, is dedicated to Edna Saint Vincent Millay. In 2020, 3:rma were part of the Radio Študent Club Marathon; they also performed at the Waves Vienna festival. The evening will be rounded off by Niko Novak, who established himself in the 1990s as the singer of the energetic garage rockers Dicky B. Hardy, and later played in the blues duo Incurabili. In the third period of his musical career, he creates dark, slow songs sung in English under his own name, inspired by Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen. But with the difference that Niko is accompanied by an electric bass and dresses his compositions in airy arrangements that remind us of the film music he also works with. At the concert, he will present the seventh album Haphazard Reruns, produced by Jim Jones and set to be released in February 2025.
Organization and production: Zavod Jazz Cerkno
Project is supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Občina Cerkno, Glasbena šola Idrija, Primorski val